
Yesterday I was talking to my friend ………..in between our conversation I asked him about his plans for Diwali………and I got the wonderful reply that he is planning to sleep all day and then at night fire some crackers and that’s all…………….so in some or the other way Diwali for him is just a break from office just like a normal Sunday
Well after hanging up I realized that since childhood we always waited for festival so that we can have some holiday without being much concerned with the festival………………..when we were in college we always wait for festivals so that we can bunk the college and have fun and then can go home …………..and now in office it’s just a way to have a nice break from work and prevent us from seeing the ugly face of our boss.
So this is how we had started celebrating the festivals ………..everything is so commercialized these days that even though we are not happy and we are not concerned with the festival then also we compete with our neighbours in writing ”HAPPY DIWALI” in the best manner .
Or we can say that in this globalised world we are so much concentrating round the globe that we had forgotten our things and our festivals.
I don’t say that don’t celebrate Christmas or new year but I say that celebrate each and every festival the way it is and this is how being globalised also we can maintain our identity .
Wish you all a very happy diwali …!!